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Spring Forward PART 1
It's almost that time again, to spring forward to more sunshine and longer days!
While many of us have found ourselves still slacking on starting our New Year's Resolution of a healthier lifestyle, Spring is a great time to take advantage of the renewal and refreshing that comes with this season of new beginnings.
Spring Forward PART 3
As we get ready to start a new month, one of the easiest ways to Spring Clean our bodies is to SHRED some old habits that are not benefiting us and replace them with life changing, healthier habits. This process has already been thought out and put together in an easy guide called Shred10.
Summer Hour Changes Ahead!
We've had great success since starting Walk-In Wellness Wednesdays. We see that people love being able to stop by and grab products or test kits as well as getting in a quick adjustment for existing patients. Because of this, we want to vary the amount of days to make us even more available for everyone.
Time for your Mind, Body & Soul
Summer is a great time to focus on our self care. While not everyone will be able to take a vacation, we can create that serene environment in our own homes to unwind, recharge and rejuvenate. This can be done as simple as adding a few drops of essential oils to your bath water, diffusing throughout the home, and taking time to read and journal....
It's Fall Ya'll!!
Fall is a good time to remind us, with the changing of the seasons, that we may need to change our habits to continue to build healthy, happy bodies and lifestyles. With cooler temps on its way and less daylight fast approaching, now's a good time to enjoy your evenings outdoors. Because people tend to spend more time indoors with less daylight hours, it's important to add health hacks and supplements beyond just Vitamin D.
Spring Forward PART 2
Spring cleaning is not just about what we put in our bodies, but what is also around our bodies. Skin care, cleaning products and air fresheners are just a few that can either be helping clean up and detox your body and the environment or adding to your toxic load because of the unnatural chemicals.
MAY-day MAY-day!!!
"After being told by a local farmer that it was impossible to grow organic produce in our Louisiana clay soil, Pitre Family Farm's mission became to not only have a better product for their own table, but also to provide local organic produce and products to the Houma/Thibodaux area.....
Happy 4th!
What does freedom mean to you? To me, freedom is having good health and physical fitness, to have no limits and do what I want to do physically. Spiritually and mentally, freedom means having peace of mind and rest for our soul. At this time, there are lots of things in our personal life, our country and our world that can weigh us down, make things feel heavy like chains are on us and not allowing us to have freedom in our life. What are some things we can do to experience more freedom in our health and daily lives?
Under Construction
Is it time for a remodel for your body? Do you need to restore parts of you that have been neglected or damaged over the years? No time like the present for an overhaul or makeover. Let's start working on creating a healthier environment, lifestyle and a new improved you. Every cell in your body will eventually be replaced. Will you provide better building material and a cleaner environment?
Up The D
Cooler tempts have arrived! With that comes less sunlight and more indoor activities leaving less opportunities to get natural Vitamin D through sunshine. This is the perfect time to really focus on not becoming a couch potato, but being proactive to get outside earlier in the day. Shorter days should not equate to less activity and movement. Because this may be difficult for some with work schedules and whatnot, this is the perfect time to implement a Vitamin D supplement.